(Sophie de Niederhäusern, Sophie von Niederhausern, Sophie von Niederhäusern, S. v. Niederhäusern, Sophie Niederhausern)

Sophie de Niederhausern, often also known as Sophie de Niederhäusern or Sophie von Niederhausern, was a Swiss landscape painter. She is the sister of the sculptor Auguste de Niederhäusern (also known as Rodo).

Oil painting by the Swiss landscape painter Sophie de Niederhausern (also known as Sophie de Niederhäusern or Sophie von Niederhausern), with Alpine landscape, Alpine painting, Swiss artist.
Oil painting with alpine landscape by Sophie de Niederhausern

Short biography of Sophie de Niederhausern

born in Geneva, Switzerland

– trained as a painter under Albert Gos and Virginie Demont-Breton

– member of the “Société suisse des femmes peintres et sculpteurs”

– participates at several exhibitions

died in Vésenaz, Switzerland

Artists’ directories:


Collections with S. de Niederhauserns

Works by Sophie de Niederhausern (Sophie de Niederhäusern) can be found in the following collections in particular:


Exhibitions of S. de Niederhäusern

Sophie de Niederhausern was firmly anchored in the national art scene [1] and took part in several exhibitions, including in Swiss museums, but also in an exhibition in Paris:

  • 1889: Exposition universelle de Paris
  • 1890: First Swiss National Art Exhibition, Bern
  • 1892: Second Swiss National Art Exhibition, Bern
  • 1906: Exhibition at the Imthurneum, Schaffhausen
  • 1908: Exhibition of the “Société suisse des femmes peintres, sculpteurs” in the electoral building (Bâtiment électoral), Geneva
  • 1923: Exhibition of the “Société suisse des femmes peintres et sculpteurs” at the Rath Museum (Musée Rath), Geneva
  • 1928: Exhibition at the Kunstmuseum Bern
  • 1929: Exhibition of the Geneva section of the “Société suisse des femmes peintres, sculpteurs, décorateurs” at the Rath Museum (Musée Rath), Geneva
  • 1930: Municipal Exhibition of Fine Arts (Exposition municipale des beaux-arts) at the Rath Museum (Musée Rath), Geneva


[1] Huber, Dorothee: Zur Präsenz der Künstlerinnen im schweizerischen Kunstbetrieb 1890-1928, in: Zeitschrift für schweizerische Archäologie und Kunstgeschichte, voulme 43, year 1986, p. 399 (400 f.).


Works by Sophie de Niederhausern

Below you will find works by Sophie de Niederhausern:

Alpine landscape oil painting by the Swiss painter Sophie de Niederhausern, also known as Sophie de Niederhäusern (Sophie von Niederhäusern
Sophie de NIEDERHAUSERN (* 1856, † 1926)
– Alpine Landscape – Oil Painting

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